Frederik De Keersmaeker
Note: I won't be updating this website anymore, but feel free to use the material I posted for Calculus I and Differential Equations!
In August 2020 I got a Ph.D. in Mathematics from Cornell University. My adviser was Tara Holm. After working as a consultant for six months, I took four statistics classes at Ghent University and am now planning on finishing their Masters in Statistics program. I am looking for an interesting and engaging job opportunity as a statistician.
My research interests were in symplectic geometry, specifically integrable systems arising from toric degenerations and their applications to Gromov width and symplectic packing problems, and in finding examples of non-displaceable Lagrangian submanifolds.
In the Summer and Fall of 2019, I was at the University of Cambridge. From January to March 2017, I visited Tien Zung Nguyen at Université Toulouse III - Paul Sabatier and Anton Alekseev at Université de Genève. In March 2018 I visited Katrin Wehrheim at UC Berkeley.